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Commission: Gulf of Gifts
19x56 inches
commissioned for a private client. Yacht located: Dubai
inside yacht above dinner table
David H. Koch Center for Cancer Care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
3 original works collected and permanently installed.
2019. photo credit: Samual Morgan Photography
installation 2
3 original works collected and permanently installed.
2019. photo credit: Samual Morgan Photography
Nā Manu 'I'o (Significant Birds)
stop motion animation. Symphony of Hawaiian Birds
In the first half of 2018, I collaborated with the University of Hawaii science professors and educators, Hawaiian bird and conservational specialists, local composers, and the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra to develop a multi-disciplinary event called the Symphony of Hawaiian Birds. The initiative of this program was to introduce grade-school children to extinct, endemic, and endangered Hawaiian birds. Within the classroom setting they will learn about their importance to Hawai`i and what we can do to help them return to healthy populations. After the classroom lessons, the students attend a live performance at Neal Blaidsdell Concert Hall, where they will experience five unique animations with original music written by local composers - played live by the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, and a specific hula and mele about the birds. The children’s bird art was also displayed on the screen and accompanied live music. I was one of five artists selected to illustrate and animate for the live performance. The Symphony of Hawaiian Birds performed to over 8,000 students as of May 9, October 31, November 1, and to the general public on November 14th. There are future goals of having it as a permanent installation at the Bishop Museum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKFvs9TIdNE&t
Hike Series. The nine hikes were all completed within the a year on the islands of Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island. “Surround” Pegge Hopper solo exhibition. hand sewing 2016
lone palm. 15 x15 inch hike series 2016
19.891767, -155.905888 Lone Palm, Ke-awa-iki Bay Kona, Big Island
lulumahu 15 x15 inches. hike series 2016
21.349250, -157.805077 Lulumahu, Honolulu, Oahu
kailua kona 15 x 15 inches. hike series 2016
19.718259, -155.948878 Honuaula Forest Reserve, Kailua-Kona, Big Island
table top book. 2010
first studio in Hawai’i, my grandmother’s former studio